Tuesday, October 27, 2009
DDF Does Disability Day!
BADHTE KADAM - an initiative of the National Trust - is a multi-state road trip by four separate teams who will be traveling around India celebrating diversity, promoting the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability and creating awareness about the specific National Trust concerns for people with intellectual impairments.
The road trip steams into Dehradun on Nov 28th and the DDF will be the welcoming committee. From 3:30 to 5:30, we will hold a mela at the Rangers College FRI Extension (near Parade Ground) in which there will be music, dance, games and fun activities, along with food and drink stalls, exhibitions, balloons and other surprises.
As the first public action by the DDF, this one is full of excitement and promise and we are all looking forward to the experience of sharing a common platform here in Dehradun.
Friday, September 4, 2009
ASHA Internship Program
ASHA or Accredited Social Health Activist acts as an interface between the community and the Public Health System. An ASHA comes from within the community and hence her understanding and reach amongst the people can rarely be matched. According to estimates each ASHA is responsible for a thousand people.
Being in this position, her role in developing awareness for health services is critical and it is essential that she understands “disability”. From our past interactions with them we learnt that unfortunately, disability and its related issues had not been included in the training imparted to them. This was the reason the Latika Roy Foundation Awareness Campaign proposed a one month internship programme for ASHA to sensitize them towards disability and to get hands on experience of dealing with children with special needs.
Early identification of a disability can be a big step in its effective treatment and an ASHA who is constantly in touch with the community can take this message across to the maximum number of people. The data that they gather can in turn be used as a base for better policies pertaining to health and well being in general and disability in particular.
During the course of the internship they will spend time at “Khushi”, our Satellite Early Intervention Centre and learn the basics in taking care of special children.
AUGUST: The Month that was....
The day before Janamashtami the children at Latika Vihar along with the bamboo weaving and pottery teacher made a beautiful pandal and a swinging crib where they put idols of Lord Krishna.
Wait there is more! The Early Intervention Centre had a new home, a home that we could call our own and it was time to celebrate this new found freedom.
To do this mammoth task of clearing misconceptions and answering questions we invited Dr Shekhar Seshadri a child psychiatrist from NIMHANS, Bangalore.
The month drew to an end but it doesn’t stop here as Robert Frost aptly said, ‘but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep’. September here we come!
Monday, August 10, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The Supreme Court Sees The Light
Thinking they were acting for her benefit, some NGOs in the area brought suit that she should have an abortion and the Chandigarh High Court ordered that it be done, saying she was unable to understand the nature of her situation and would not be able to take care of the child should she bring it to term.
The young woman, however, insisted that she did not want an abortion.
The case finally reached the Supreme Court where emotional and provocative arguments were made on both sides.
Yesterday, the court stayed the Chandigarh decision and ordered that the pregnancy be allowed to continue.
However you may feel about abortion (I am against it) this case brought up all sorts of disturbing and fundamental issues:
- Does having a mental handicap mean that your right to have children is someone else's decision?
- What makes a good parent? Is intellectual ability a requirement?
- Who decides?
- What if, as one of the judges asked, the baby was also handicapped?
- Who should be held responsible for the fact that this woman was raped? The men who did it? The institution which allowed it to happen?
One of the most moving statements came from a visiting friend, an educational psychologist, who spoke about a little boy she knew whose parents were both mentally handicapped. But, she said, he was dearly loved, happy and secure. His parents received community support to bring up their child and while he was not likely to be an academic over-achiever, she expected he would grow up to be a good citizen who would hold a job and make his contribution. Should his parents not have been allowed to have him? Should he not have been born at all?
Whose life it it, anyway?
What are your thoughts?
Latika Vihar – where children rule!

A child who thought he could not dance because he was told he is not good joins the group because no one is judging him, who knows with time he may turn around to give us a performance worth remembering.
Latika Vihar teaches you a very valuable lesson of life, no one is better or worse each individual is as capable, special and talented as the other. It is a place where the social, economical, physical and mental differences do not matter, what matters here are the excited voices, dancing feet and smiling faces that greeted you at the gate.

Thursday, July 16, 2009
gearing up
Getting ready to welcome the new trainees .We are going to be really busy! The centre is looking lovely after the new coat of paint and all those posters. We are at our creative best, rearing to go..... so wish us luck.