Tuesday, October 27, 2009

DDF Does Disability Day!

At the most recent DDF meeting on October 23rd, the group decided that rather than celebrate World Disability Day in separate functions in each organisation, we would all come together for a joint event on Nov 28th.

BADHTE KADAM - an initiative of the National Trust - is a multi-state road trip by four separate teams who will be traveling around India celebrating diversity, promoting the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability and creating awareness about the specific National Trust concerns for people with intellectual impairments.

The road trip steams into Dehradun on Nov 28th and the DDF will be the welcoming committee. From 3:30 to 5:30, we will hold a mela at the Rangers College FRI Extension (near Parade Ground) in which there will be music, dance, games and fun activities, along with food and drink stalls, exhibitions, balloons and other surprises.

As the first public action by the DDF, this one is full of excitement and promise and we are all looking forward to the experience of sharing a common platform here in Dehradun.

1 comment:

  1. The youth of today determines the world's future. India, at present, faces a variety of problems ranging from health issues to poverty. Its up to us to make sure that each and every one of us is aware about the consequences each action has on health and well being

    Stand Up Take Action 2010.

    We need you… Globally more than 173 Million people stood up against poverty in 2009, a Guinness World Record! Let us break this record in 2010!
    Be the voice for the millions of poor people living across India.

    It is Time for You to STAND UP AGAINST POVERTY NOW!

    Join us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/unmcampaignINDIA .
    Follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/unmcampaignIND
